New School is a New Hope: Centre Saint Claret, Ankarana, Madagascar

19 September 2024

John Dewey wrote in his 1916 text on Democracy and Education: “Education is a social process; education is growth; education is not preparation for life but is life itself”

In the complex reality of this small village of Ankarana, and other villages in Madagascar, promoting and establishing education is of utmost importance. Many children cannot attend school due to poverty; they can barely afford to eat once a day, or not at all. Many of them suffer from malnutrition, illness, and skin diseases.

In response to this harsh reality, the missionary team, following the suggestions and contributions of the bishop regarding the importance of education and faith formation in this diocese, has finally established a new non-formal education center here in Ankarana, under the patronage of St. Claret: a nursery and preschool for children aged 5 to 7. We hired two people as teachers and a woman as a cook. The teachers do not have higher education; they are middle school and high school graduates. Meanwhile, sister Helmy is helping them with the curriculum design, lesson planning, and preparation of teaching materials, as well as encouraging them during the sessions. Although they are new to teaching, their patience and eagerness to learn are the foundation of fruitful work.

Priority was given to poor Catholic children, and the remaining places were opened to non-Catholics. Initially, 50 children were enrolled, but after the registration process, during which requirements, rules, and regulations were implemented, 46 children participated in the Mass of the Holy Spirit and the first day of school. We offer lunch every day after school.

Parents contribute firewood for cooking, clean the school area in groups once a week, and provide 10 cups of rice per year, delivered twice a year during harvest time. They also pay half the cost of their children’s uniforms, in order to raise awareness of their role in children’s education.

We also have another prominent program for this new school year: scholarships for 20 people. These were selected from the most active children and youth of the parish. Primary school students receive school supplies, while secondary school students receive half of the tuition fees, three times a year. These students are required to review the lessons they learned during the day in the parish hall in the afternoon. This idea came about because they cannot study at home at night, mainly due to the lack of light. In addition, they are required to maintain good grades and show enthusiasm for studying and reviewing their lessons.

Thanks for all your support, and continue to pray for us, that education may becomes a part of life for the people of Ankarana, especially the poor.

During these days, the text “María Antonia París, friend and companion in the journey” is being distributed.