Preparing Provincial Chapters in a Synodal Key…

20 May 2024

Synodality speaks not only of a particular style of life and mission of the Church, but also of its nature: to walk together as an assembly of the People of God called by the Lord Jesus in the power of the Holy Spirit to proclaim the Gospel.

We Claretian Missionary Sisters are preparing ourselves for the Provincial Chapters from the synodal keys, taking care of their triple dimension: communion, mission and participation. We do this by means of enlightenment on different themes, listening forums, the exercise of conversation in the Spirit, prayer and sharing as means of the discernment process that a Chapter entails. 

These previous activities are orienting and helping us to live communion and participation in order to renew the apostolic priorities of each province in the sexennial in the light of the calls of the XVIII General Chapter.

During these days, the text “María Antonia París, friend and companion in the journey” is being distributed.