“Proclaiming the Gospel to every creature” in the Delegation of Japan and Korea
10 March 2021With the desire to deepen the meaning and challenges of the motive of the year, the sisters of the Delegation together with Ana Maria Mandrile, Regina Tutzó and Vivian Gonzalez, and Jolanta Kafka share during three days seminar (28 February, 7 March and 21 March) various themes that help us in the ongoing process of our formation for mission.
We thank God for calling us to proclaim the Gospel; we want to welcome and care for the vocational gift we have received; we are enlightened by the experience of the Founders; we seek to grow as evangelisers contemplating Jesus, his “way”, to make his words and gestures a path of humanisation; we want to project ourselves into our present day by updating the XVII General Chapter in its challenges and orientations.
The means at our disposal today help us to enjoy fraternity, going beyond space and time, enjoying the diversity of contexts, countries, cultures, timetables, feeling that we are one family, united by the vocation we have received.
Thushari Wettasinghe and Shizue Hirota mb, in translation and Priscilla Latela in technical controls.
Blessed are you, Lord, for such goodness!