Renewing vocational commitment

2 March 2025

From 24 to 28 February, in the light of the Gospel text ‘Whoever drinks the water that I will give him will never thirst… Lord, give me this water…’ (Jn 4, 14-15), we have taken steps in our formation journey, connecting the experience of the Samaritan woman with the experience of our founders and our experience in the vocational response that becomes concrete in the mission.

With different dynamics of reflection and prayer, we discovered, once again, how the Word of God and the living witness of our Founders speak to our hearts and is an updated response to today’s world.

We were able to recognise how true missionary transformation occurs not only through service, but also by empowering others in faith and in the knowledge of God.

The example of Paris and Claret calls us to renew our personal commitment to a mission that humanizes and transforms society into a more just and caring world.

One of the most profound moments of the week was a prolonged space of prayer in the crypt of our Mother Foundress, offering psalms of gratitude written by us in the light of the attitudes with which both lived the mission: trust, humility, courage, faith, love, abandonment, dedication, care, generosity…and much more. Creatively presenting the missionary profile of both founders has allowed us to be tangible witnesses of their impact on the society of their time and the relevance of the charism for today’s society.

During these days, the text “María Antonia París, friend and companion in the journey” is being distributed.