Silver Jubilee in the Airport Chaplaincy – Warsaw
23 June 2018Our sister Lucyna shares with us: On the 17th of June the Chaplaincy of the Federico Chopin airport in Warsaw (Poland) celebrated the Silver jubilee of its existence. For more than 20 years, various sisters from our community in Warsaw have been working in the airport chaplaincy. Bogusława began this service in 1996, then Ewa continued and now, for nine years, Lucyna.
On this occasion a solemn Eucharist took place, broadcast on TV. Archb. Salvatore Pennacchio, Apostolic Nuncio in Poland, presided the Mass.
The next day a delegation from the Chaplaincy, together with the chaplain p. Zbigniew Stefaniak and the sisters Bogusława, Ewa and Lucyna, participated in the audience with Card. Kazimierz Nycz, Archbishop of Warsaw. Sisters Bogusława and Ewa received award for their service in evangelization at the airport.
The celebration of this 25th anniversary was an occasion to give thanks to the Lord for these years, also asking for his blessing for the following ones.