Taking up the discernments.
25 July 2023The day began with a beautiful and meaningful prayer led by Soledad, invoking the intercession of St. James the Apostle, the Patron of Spain. The prayer integrated the missionary journey of St. James in the Camino de Compostela.
The moderator introduced the agenda to the chapter community, creating a warm and welcoming atmosphere. Greetings, from various Entities, communities, and individuals were shared, congratulating the newly elected General government team, and of thanks to the exiting team fostering a strong sense of unity and support among the chapter members.
During the session, proposals and issues raised by the individual sisters and entities were presented for discussion. The Chapter members engaged in constructive dialogue, for seeking solutions and understanding.
In the afternoon, the report of the Hannan Project was presented to the assembly by the commission of the general Solidarity team.
The day concluded with a heartfelt Eucharistic celebration, during which the chapter members expressed their gratitude to the Lord for His guidance, assistance, and support throughout the day’s proceedings.