The Congress of Vocations
16 February 2025From 7-9 February, the Congress of Vocations, organized by the Spanish Episcopal Conference took place in Madrid. Joining this ecclesial event, our sisters Maria Cruz, Bogusia, Celeste, Yuli and Catherine Tulengi, the General Perfect of Apostolic Mission participated with other congress participants coming from different dioceses of Spain, from various Congregations, and other ecclesial movements in the country. Approximately three thousand congress participants attended this event.
The question: ‘For whom am I?’ was the key to our meeting, as the testimonies, presentations and meeting were based on it. It is about rediscovering God’s call for each one of us, a call to mission. The vocation received is not for personal good, but for God and for others. Pope Francis in his message transmitted by Nuncio Bernardito Cleopas Auza, reminded us once again that “For whom am I”, it is certainly for God, but it is also for others as the Lord wanted and put in you many qualities, inclinations, gifts and charism that are not for you, but for others.
We are grateful to the Congregation for this wonderful opportunity to participate in this great event.