24 February 2025From February 10 to 12 Sara Ferreras, coach, who has invited us to make the heroine’s journey”; a metaphor that invites us to live awake. Our journey began with activities that helped us to enter into ourselves and know our deep calling; a call that is always to grow, to contribute, to give something of ourselves back to the world.
As we enter this dynamic, we discover that the call is to help to build, to collaborate with God, to carry out the mission that God has entrusted to each one of us, and each one has the responsibility to decide and respond “yes or no” to this call. Then we become aware that on our journey many times, we have said “NO” to the call. This denial means “Rejection”, to reject it we use ideas and beliefs that make us repeat phrases like these: “I can’t”, “I don’t have time”, “someone is better than me”, “I don’t like it”, “I don’t have confidence”, “that’s how I am”, …, and so, we decide to continue in the comfort zone. Therefore, we realize that many times we have not heard the inner call because we have fears, various inconsistencies that paralyze us.
It was an opportune time to become aware of the times we had rejected opportunities to say “yes” to the call, felt disappointment with ourselves and ashamed with God for not having accepted His grace, for doubting all the goodness and trust that He has placed in us, and for not believing in ourselves. This leads us to understand that, in addition, we carry an inner wound that makes us close in our self and takes away the possibility of valuing and recognizing the opportunities received to say “yes” to the call.
To heal this wound we were invited to help each other, two companions acted as our parents and we talked with each one and so we could “express our gratitude to them for the life they gave us,” we asked for forgiveness and forgave each other, and in the end each one made the decision again to commit to their call, to take care of it and put it at the service of humanity.
Then we were invited to “Cross the Threshold.” By this time we had to make the decision to answer the call and we commit ourselves to our journey accepting that it is something new, unknown, challenging, but that we are willing to push the outer limits of the comfort zone and assume the risk and novelty that is presented to us with honesty and transparency in our journey of making the call that each one of us has received to collaborate with God in his mission of love come true.
To undertake this journey, we were given the possibility to experience that we are not alone, that we make a journey with others, God is always in each one, in addition, we have families, sisters of the Congregation and that together we can overcome the obstacles that arise on the journey. Therefore, we can say to ourselves: “I am capable”, “I believe in myself”, “I have confidence”, “I will” “God accompanies me”…
It is nice to know that in our vocational history new opportunities are opening to fully live the call of Claretian missionaries.