The Loom of the Claretian Family – 04.12.21
6 December 2021
December 4th, 2021.
Today we have begun the X World Encounter of the Claretian Family (CF) with the morning Eucharist in Rome. We celebrate with joy the presence of the eight branches that form it, and we thank God for the way in which He is weaving the threads of our history.
In the morning session, Maria del Mar HICM evoked the spirit of the 9th meeting held in Mühlberg, reviewing what had been agreed and the steps taken in the last four years in which she has presided over the general animation of the FC.
At the end of the morning, Jolanta RMI introduced the topic of Charismatic Families, which we then tackled with the help of two guests: Donatella Acerbi, from the Pallottine family, and Aitor Jiménez CMF. In the afternoon, we continued to deepen through dialogue in groups, personal prayer, silence and sharing with the boldness and freedom of those who want to seek God’s will together.

We are aware of the treasure we have in our hands; a gift we have received for the good of the Church and the world? How can we respond to the cry of the Holy Spirit that calls us to familiarity and COMMUNION? How can we be faithful to the Claretian charism that we share? How can we care for it so that this gift may be ever more fruitful? What creative response are we called to give as we share so much life together? These are some of the questions that we have asked ourselves throughout the day and that we have collected in the evening prayer.
We are threads, we are hands that weave, we are loom, we are shelter for the world, we are warmth of love, we are family. And we wish to continue to be threads in the hands of the Holy Spirit. We wish to be woven with each other, with our colours, our shades, so that God may continue to offer the Church and the world the charism of Claret…