Time for Words of Life

26 July 2023

The day initiated invoking of the intercession of Saints Joaquim and Ann, grandparents of Jesus, led by the province of Guadalupe. Their prayers set a reverent tone for the day’s proceedings.

In our first session, before starting, the facilitating team encouraged all chapter members to reflect personally on their experiences as chapter community members about how Jesus is our Master and Counsellor to date and share in pairs. This prayerful exercise fostered a deeper sense of connection and understanding among the participants.

We continued working in the proposals raised the day before in small groups, creating an environment for honest and constructive dialogue. The outcomes of these discussions were later brought to the chapter hall for further consideration.

In the afternoon, the focus shifted to continuing formulating the chapter document. Both personal reflections and group-level discussions contributed to this important task, ensuring a comprehensive and inclusive approach.

The day ended in a Eucharistic celebration, the celebrant invited us to share in small groups what kind of seeds we had in our hearts and what type of bread we each were. Using the Chapter Prayer Candle some groups shared out loud and then each sister placed a small lighted candle by a map in the altar symbolizing our wish to be light to every country we are evangelizing in.

During these days, the text “María Antonia París, friend and companion in the journey” is being distributed.