UISG-USG JPIC Commission Meeting
13 May 2024The JPIC Commission, represented by co-presidents Sr Maria Jose Gay (UISG) and Fr Mathew Vattamattam (USG), organised a meeting for responsible JPIC leaders from all congregations on 11 May 2024 in the morning at the UISG headquarters. The meeting was open to all those with responsibilities within the JPIC Commission who live in or around Rome. The aim was to reflect on how we can work together as religious congregations through the Secretariat of the JPIC Commission to strengthen our networking and our collective efforts towards a more just, peaceful and sustainable world for all.
After setting out the objectives of the meeting, which were to present a vision of the reality of the world focusing on the health, political, social and economic crises, three major issues were discussed:
How can we create networks and new forms of collaboration with the JPIC Commission? How can the JPIC Commission help and support congregations? How can we integrate justice, peace and integrity of creation into all the ministries of every congregation?
All this will help us to work better as a team to transform the world and to fight the crises that threaten the world and social injustices. We are thus invited, each of us in our own apostolic environment, to a new vision of mission based on integral ecology.