Visit to Sri Lankan communities

24 August 2024

After finishing our visit to India, we arrived in Sri Lanka on 14 August. Heavy rains greeted us at the airport. We made our way to our community in Koswatta, Colombo, where we were warmly welcomed by the sisters and the formees.  This is an initial formation community; there are aspirants, postulants and juniors.  We felt at home and enjoyed each other’s presence.

We had two moments of formation with all the sisters, one on Economy and the other on Secretariat. We also had two moments of sharing with the aspirants and postulants, on vocation and on the congregation. We enjoyed the possibility of visiting the mission places of the community, as well as the provincial house of the Claretians, who invited us to have lunch with them. 

On the 21st we arrived at the community ‘Casa Antonia Paris’ in Kottapitiya, Chilaw.  In this place there are three sisters who are fully involved in the parish mission, education and other ministries.  With the continuous rains, many people were affected by floods, we visited an area where some houses were flooded with water.  We also participated in family visits and other community activities.

We still have one more mission area to visit where our sisters are present.  We will arrive there on the 26th, so we will have the opportunity to celebrate together on the 27th, the foundation day of our Congregation. With our stay in this community, we will end our specific and fraternal visit to the South Asian Delegation.

We are grateful to God for his loving care and providence and to all the sisters in the Delegation for their love, generosity and fraternity that they shared with us.

Thank you dear sisters!!!!

During these days, the text “María Antonia París, friend and companion in the journey” is being distributed.