Vocational May 2023 – Vocation: Grace and Mission
28 April 2023In a few days we will begin the month of vocational May; as every year, we wish to renew the invitation to live it with missionary creativity and above all in communion of prayer.
In his message for the 60th World Day of Prayer for Vocations, to be celebrated on Sunday 30 April, Pope Francis reminds us that ” Lord’s call is grace, complete gift, and at the same time a commitment to bring the Gospel to others”.
Let’s celebrate the gift of being part of those called to the mission of serving the community contributing to the building of the global family; “The Lord has consecrated us in Baptism and has given us the grace to follow Christ, as the apostles did, to form one family and to announce the Good News of the Kingdom” (Const. 11)
“In the course of our lives, this call, which is part of the fibre of our being and the secret of our happiness, comes to us by the work of the Holy Spirit in ever new ways. It enlightens our minds, strengthens our wills, fills us with amazement and sets our hearts afire” (Message of Pope Francis for the 2023 World Day of Prayer for Vocations)
Jesus is the door, the way, the path. There are many ways that may be easy, but they are not true, only in Him we find the truth.