“WE FOR – United, Supportive, Creative”
7 October 2018Saturday, October 6, 2018 at 5:00 p.m., in the Paul VI Hall of the Vatican, in the framework of the Synod, Pope Francis and the Synod Fathers have once again met with the young people …. An encounter that had as a guiding thread the testimonials of life, accompanied by musical moments and artistic representations, in three themes: the search for identity, relationships and life as service and gift.
At the end of the meeting the young people gave the Pope some questions to which, according to Francisco, the Synod Fathers will respond.
There was missing not an incisive message from the Holy Father for young people and for the whole Church …
Some of its expressions have been:
“Be young on the walk, that look at the horizon and not at the mirror …. ; look for the good, for the truth and for the beauty … to find yourselves … “
Returning to the testimony of a young man who spoke of discrimination and politics who very often abuse of power … the Pope reminded that “power must be at service … it must help people grow, it must be at the service of each singular person.
The meeting was concluded with a imperatives word of strong resonance:
Remember, you young people you do not have a price, you are not to be sold at auction … do not let yourself be bought, seduced, enslaved, colonized by ideologies that make you slaves, depending, failed in life … Fall in love with your freedom … which is the one Jesus offers to you!