Workshop on BUDGETING

28 October 2024

On Saturday 26th October, from the General Prefecture of Economy, our sister Lidia Alcántara gave a training workshop on two very important and interrelated topics: the preparation of budgets and the concepts that fall within each account of our accounting plan.

All invited, and not only the treasurers, as the preparation and execution of budgets is the responsibility of all.

In the morning it was given in English for the English-speaking sisters, and in the afternoon in Spanish. On 4 November it will be offered in French. The attendance and participation of the sisters has been very good, especially appreciating the simplicity of the language used, as well as the concrete examples from everyday life, which made the message very understandable.

This was the first of a series of workshops that the General Prefecture of the Economy intends to offer. We are aware that the Economy is something that must serve us for the CARE OF LIFE, of our life and of the life of the beneficiaries of our mission. May it always be a service that helps us to build a more just, humane and sustainable world.

During these days, the text “María Antonia París, friend and companion in the journey” is being distributed.