Maria Patrocinio Giner, Claretian Martyr
13 November 2020Martyrdom is a constant in the life of the Christian and the strength of the Church. The Christian faith is not reduced to defending religious truths and practices. In the proposal and style of life of Jesus, what prevails is to defend, dignify and make happy the life of the human being and above all the life of the most limited, vulnerable and insecure of the earth.
Let us contemplate in the life of María Patrocinio how she understood and lived this by giving witness. She said: “What dark clouds cover us, but since our trust is placed in the One who has told us “I will triumph over my enemies and reign … forever” […] in the midst of so much persecution, our faith is strengthened, our heart is purged and our will is prepared to suffer whatever the Lord allows to come to us, may everything be for our good”. Her life testimony allows us to see how she lived and prepared martyrdom with courage through daily service, because holiness is outside of who we are and what we do. “She attracted people with her kindness and intelligence and with her ability to give proper and convincing advice, which, she always invited to look from God…”. Her life, founded on the Gospel, her martyrdom embraced with faith, serenity and fidelity, are a stimulus and hope in our journey as formators; her humble service assumed with great generosity and dedication must illuminate our attitude of service and mission. Patrocinio loved God and the brothers in a concrete and evident way, educating, forming, accompanying and building fraternal and reconciling relationships.