12 July – With an attentive look at our reality

12 July 2023

In the morning prayer, Diana and Vivian invite us to pray with our founders through their writings, giving thanks for the Claretian vocation received as a gift.
In the first session in the chapter hall, the facilitating team takes up the work of the previous day in which we began to dialogue and listen to each other about the Instrument of Work. We are given guidelines for today’s work. We are invited to spend the morning with our work groups and to begin to detail which are the calls that we consider most urgent from the reflection of the contributions that the sisters, the Claretian family and all of us who walk together have sent and the aspects that emerged from the reading of the memories. The contributions and evaluations made by the teams of Spirituality, Apostolate, Formation, the juniors, novices and postulants are taken into account. After this long time of sharing, we went to the chapter hall and each of the secretaries of the 5 groups reported the summary of the 3 calls that each group had chosen as most necessary.

Common calls begin to resound, such as integral formation, vocational culture, sustainability in its three aspects, family and community life, walking together.
In the afternoon session, we have the enlightenment of Professor Dr. Teresa Sanchez who continues to help us in this stage of listening to reality by putting the focus on “The socio-anthropological vision of man today”. She helps us to better understand the reality of the human being today from its characteristics of postmodernity and the challenges that this entails. The theme is a good tool to deepen our understanding of the contributions of the communities.
We received a visit from Cardinal Joao Braz de Aviz, Prefect of the Dicastery for Religious Life, with whom we had a fraternal conversation on the challenges of consecrated life and the invitation to be witnesses of joy.
We ended the day with the celebration of the Eucharist presided by the Cardinal. During the Eucharist, in the prayers, reflecting the multicultural character of the Chapter community in its various languages, we prayed for all the sisters of each of the provinces.

During these days, the text “María Antonia París, friend and companion in the journey” is being distributed.