50 Anniversary Mission in Ichihara

10 December 2016

The community of the Ichihara Preschool Center (Japan) has turned 50! The celebration of the anniversary began with the Eucharist in our chapel as a thanksgiving presided by Father Abella cmf concelebrating Fr. Umezaki cmf and the parish priest of Ichihara, Fr Kato. There were participating our teachers and workers that attend children extra time, and of course our sisters of the three houses: Takatsuki, Kurashiki and Ichihara, along with some of the parish’s Christians. After we had a joyful agape time in a very warm atmosphere with many people who have come from different parts to share this event. Let us give thanks to God for all that we have received in these 50 years and for the goodness we have sown; and we ask Him to continue to guide us on this platform of Evangelization.

During these days, the text “María Antonia París, friend and companion in the journey” is being distributed.