Announce the Gospel to every creatures
28 September 2021On 11, 18 and 25 September, the sisters of the Latin American Province participated in formation and fraternity meetings on the theme of the year: Announce the Gospel to every creatures.

This space, promoted by the General Prefecture of Spirituality and the EGEs team, focused on three aspects: the call to proclaim the Gospel, as new apostles, enlightened by the experience and living of the founders; the invitation to grow as evangelisers contemplating Jesus, his “way”, to make his words and gestures a path of humanisation; the responsibility of caring for our life and apostolic vocation, aware that an apostle does not improvise.
United and connected from different countries in Latin America, we shared, reflected and enriched each other with the vocational and missionary experience of each one of us. We enjoyed the meeting as a family united by the Lord that grows in simplicity, joy, hope and thanksgiving because we are united by the same vocation, the same charism, the same mission: the proclamation of Jesus and his Kingdom.