At Mother’s house
5 March 2024It is always a pleasure to be able to go to Reus after some time, to return to “the house of the mother”, to spend long periods of time with her and to tell her about the Congregational journeys of these last months.
From February 24 to March 2, in this framework of spiritual encounter with París and Claret in Vic, our sisters Priscilla, Superior General and Amilbia, General Prefect of Formation, met with the coordinator of the General Team of Spirituality Jolanta K. and Bertha, member of the same team.
They have been days of evaluation of the first steps, of sharing on the mission and vision of the team and above all to continue searching for ways to deepen our identity and belonging. It has been a time of special sharing with all the sisters of the community of Reus that has offered a special welcome.
On the 25th Priscilla visited in Madrid the group that is living the experience of the Forge, among them our sisters Teresa and Daiser from the province of Latin America, as well as Elsa, member of the coordinating team. It was an opportunity to share also with the sisters of the provincial curia.
On February 29 and March 1 Priscilla, Amilbia and Jolanta were in Vic at the Center of Claretian Spirituality. The visit allowed to have spaces of Prayer with Claret, to dialogue with our brothers of the CESC, to dialogue with Severiano B. cmf about the historical facts of the foundational beginnings and to share with the community of the cmf. It was also possible to consult some Claretian sources in the archives of the Center.
Sisters, lay people, collaborators, friends, Claretian family and all of us who share the charism have been present at every moment, especially in the times of prayer at the side of the Mother and the Father. To them we have entrusted the life and mission of each day, the projects of the future and the three calls of the XVIII General Chapter that launch us with hope to continue caring for the charismatic inheritance and to respond from the Gospel to the calls of the world.