Celebrating in the Family…
20 January 2024After having reflected and deepened on the experience of M. Antonia Paris, and her life experience, during the days of the Triduum, on January 17, we celebrated with gratitude the 139th Anniversary of the Easter of Maria Antonia.
In the thanksgiving Eucharistic celebration, with the presence of the Claretian Family; Claretian Missionaries, missionary sisters of St. Anthony Mary Claret, and other friends of the community. During the homily the spiritual experience of this woman, who, even with fears, was in a continuous process of abandonment in the hands of God, was highlighted. Among the most common expressions of her life that she lived concretely we find: “Knowing God’s will, no difficulty is offered to me, blessed be my God for so much goodness”.
We have experienced a great joy in family sharing.