31 August 2019

The anniversary of the Foundation has been celebrated throughout the Congregation. For many it has been a normal work day, for others, a festive memory of events in the Entities, anniversaries of profession.

I want to have in my soul the gratitude of those who follow Jesus! ”… Sister Mabel says on the day she celebrated her silver jubilee in the chapel of Reus on August 27, in a charismatically significant place surrounded by sisters from the 4 continents.

On the same day in Kimwenza (Congo) 6 sisters: Vivian, Benedicte, Noella, Germaine, Dorcas and another Benedicte have made their first profession.

We thank God for the gift of the Claretian vocation, for the response of each sister and for contributing to the announcement of the Kingdom throughout the world.

During these days, the text “María Antonia París, friend and companion in the journey” is being distributed.