EAST TIMOR – Diocese of Maliana Opens the Synod 2021-2023
19 October 2021
The Parish Priests, Religious men and women, lay people, youth, children and the rest of the faithful met on the 16th and 17th of October in Maliana the seat of the bishop to formally launch to open the Synod preparation.
On the 16th, the activities set for this first day were:
a. the presentation of dances from the selected parishes;
b. the illumination on the Synod documents;
c. the presentation of the process for the consultation and the duration of the work;
d. question and answer part and propose some suggestions for the implementation.
After dinner we gathered in the Church for the Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament.
17th, Sunday, our Bishop Norberto Do Amaral celebrated the Eucharist with several priests concelebrant. After the mass the synod prayer was read and the President of the commission for the preparation of the Synod, Fr. Jose Maya, explained the meaning of the synod and the expectations. Then the 11 parish priest of the Diocese with the bishop were called to stand in front of the stage. The Bishop was asked to beat the drum 3 times to open the synod. Followed next was the hand over of the tarpaulin on the synod to the parish priests to display it in their respective parishes.