Exhibition on the Life and Works of Saint Antonio María Claret

20 February 2023

To celebrate the 170th anniversary of Claret’s arrival in Santiago de Cuba as archbishop in February 1851, one of the activities planned was an EXHIBITION ON HIS LIFE AND WORK.

Two things prevented its realisation on the planned date: the COVID 19 pandemic and the delay in the renovation of the Archdiocesan Museum, due to the lack of the necessary materials. Having overcome these difficulties, and as “it is never too late for a good thing”, the inauguration took place on 1 February 2023, with great joy. The team that worked on it for almost three years, we feel the satisfaction of the mission accomplished and now we offer it through this chat, so dear and familiar.

The purpose of the Exhibition is to make St. Anthony Mary Claret, his personality and his work known, underlining his presence in Cuba and his Missionary intuitions, which can undoubtedly be a reference for our pastoral work today.

During these days, the text “María Antonia París, friend and companion in the journey” is being distributed.