Following the path of generating change
13 January 2022The new government of the mission province of Africa accompanied by the General Prefect of Apostolic Mission and delegate of the General Government Priscilla Latela has continued to take steps in the initial itinerary of generating change. On January 2, 2022 she travelled to Pay-Kogila to meet on the 3rd with all the sisters of the communities of Pay-kongila, Isingu and one sister from the community of Limete, to continue celebrating the continuity of the chapter process and renewing the commitment of the Fraternity.

In addition, on the 4th, an on-line meeting was held with the communities of Cameroon, Nigeria and the sisters from Africa who are in the community of Calandrelli (Rome).
In an atmosphere of openness, welcome and fraternity in the dynamics of group work by community and after a time of reflection and personal prayer, we all committed ourselves symbolically with the renewal of vows under the “tree of the Word”.

At the end of each meeting it was enriching to evaluate the meeting and to share the grace received from God during that moment: joy, peace, hope, serenity, awareness, consolation… were the expressions that expressed the grace received…
We thank God for this time of meeting and provincial sharing, and we thank each of the sisters for their willingness to commit themselves and to assume personal and community responsibility.