Formation juniors – Nigeria

11 April 2017

From 8th to 12th of April, in our house in Owerri the junior sisters have their formation workshop together with the community. The activity is animated by sr. Claudine  Obuna, Prefect of formation of the Province of Africa, visiting the country these days. 
There participate junior sisters: Judith Kihla (from Cameroon), Huguette Ngunza (Congolese) and Felicia Kwagvihi (Nigerian) from  both communities (Aondona and Owerri).The reflection goes on prayer, vows and accompaniment on personal and communal levels. Claudine will visit some places and missions since it is her first time to come to Nigeria, and share in the celebrations of the Paschal mystery in the Claretian spirit.

During these days, the text “María Antonia París, friend and companion in the journey” is being distributed.