Grateful Memory…
27 February 2024On 24 February, in the context of the anniversary of the trip to Cuba of Maria Antonia Paris and her companions, we celebrated the meeting of Into Deep Sea.
We met to remember the road travelled up to this moment and to bring light to continue taking steps. The whole Congregation, the lay people who walk with us and those who share our charism took part in the meeting. 116 connections, almost 200 participants, from different parts of the world accepted the invitation.
Recalling the journey we have lived, since the launch on 26 March 2022, we recall that the aim is to care for our being, a renewed congregational body, consecrated women in the process of conversion, who make the journey of walking with others, who live and work for an inclusive and intercultural fraternity for the mission.
The meeting was coloured and decorated by the testimonies of some communities and the personal sharing of some sisters of their experiences of missionary transformation during these two years with the Congregational Way. The sharing in group during the session how we lived this process, enriched and encouraged all to continue deepening what we have received, as a treasure to live in fullness the project that God has for each one of us.