Happy Easter!
20 April 2019We have contemplated His face, which did not seem human, beaten, humiliated, rejected; we have seen in Him the Son of the Father outraged, given for love. We see the faces of people without hope, overwhe.
lmed by pain and injustice. The suffering of the Son is in them. (cf. Is 50)
We contemplate the radiant Light of the Father in his Risen Son, Living forever. He is the light that shines in the darkness and continues to radiate new life (cf. 2 Cor 4) that so many expect.
“Look at him and you will be radiant!” May our experience of the Light and Life of the Risen One renew us, move us and put us on the path, and there, surely, we will find others to share in this joy and accompany in faith and hope. Happy Easter!
Your sisters in the General Government