JULY 23. Day of Reflection.
23 July 2017- This day we made a stop to listen to God and warm up our hearts…because, as Fr. Gonzalo Fernandez, cmf explained, it would very dangerous to speak at the Chapter without having first listened. The first presentation explored “The Calls of the Church Today” in the documents of Pope Francis and those of the Congregation for Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life. In the afternoon he presented the challenges religious life faces today as reflected in the new document “For New Wine, New Wineskins.”
- After lunch we had the opportunity to visit the museum and house of the saints John and Paul, which is next to the retreat house. They lived and were martyred in this house, which is below the existing basilica. Reflecting the lives of these heroic Christians helped us examine our lives and our call to be witnesses (martyr means witness) of Jesus in today´s world. We professed our faith at the site of their martyrdom.

We closed our day with a prolongued time before the Blessed Sacrament…