Juniors Formation in India – October 2017
15 October 2017Junior sisters from India share their experience:
Knowing oneself is knowing God (self-awareness) …. “Grant Lord that I may know myself and that I may know Thee” (M.Antonia Paris)
We are grateful to the Lord almighty for giving us the opportunity to participate in the juniorate programme (Mysore-Oct 2-6). Also for the resource person Fr. John Peter MSC whose exemplary life is an inspiration for us. It was about 3 days of tour travel with oneself. Usually when we travel, we travel with different people, motivation, emotions, and destination … for us the self-awareness journey was a time of cherishing and nourishing our experience of Journeying with our very self. Being aware of oneself takes an important place in our life, and it helps us direct our life towards God who is the center of our self. It leads us to a new horizon and to live in the society as mature and integrated person.
We journeyed in this class, we were grateful to the past, and live fully/consciously the present. The openness and sharing of the group helped us to be identified with our destination of our journey, the purpose of our life. The learning of life journey doesn’t end but continues till the end of our life……….
We the junior sisters express our gratitude to our delegate Superior Sr. Rani and the councilors and the junior mistress Sr. Geraldine.