Preparing the IV Congress of Claretian Educators in Family
3 November 2018From October 31st to November 5th, 2018, in the General Curia of the Missionaries of Mary Immaculate in Malabo (Equatorial Guinea), several members of three branches of the Claretian family (CMF, RMI, MMI) and others have met together with other religious institutes with which the educational mission is shared in this country (OP, MICs, VD).
The main purpose of the meeting was to begin the preparation of the next Congress of Educators of the Claretian Family, which will take place in this city in the first week of November 2020.
In a fraternal atmosphere of prayer, listening to the African reality and much sharing, the objectives, themes, possible speakers, dynamics, logistics have been delineated and the first draft of the program has been sketched out.
The Congressional Coordinating Committee has been established, namely:
Fr. Salustiano Oyono CMF, Prefect of the Apostolate of the “Padre Xifré Independent Delegation” – coordinator; Sr. Madalena Angono MMI, General Prefect of Apostolate and General Secretary; Dr. Salomón lay director of a school of the Missionaries of the Immaculate Conception; Sr. Rodine Diela RMI; Fr. Alipio Umó. CMF.
The work of these days has been complemented with visits to various places and educational institutions of the Claretian Family. All the participants expressed deep gratitude for the exquisite welcome and cooperation on the part of the MMI and CMF in Malabo.