Silence, faith and waiting
2 April 2021“While the Word is silent, while Life is in the sepulchre, those who had hoped in him were put to a difficult test, they felt like orphans, perhaps even orphaned by God”. (cfr. Pope Francis General Audience, 31 march 2021)
We too can choose to fill this silence with weeping and bewilderment as the first disciples did, or we can decide to welcome it and open ourselves to the possibility of a listening that will enable us to discover a deeper meaning.
Silence allows us to free ourselves from our reasoning, from the burdens that oppress our heart, from useless words, to make room for listening to the Living Word.
It is Mary’s day, mother of silence. When Jesus dies, she remains at the foot of the cross with her eyes full of tears and her soul pierced, as Simeon had prophesied (cf. Lk 2:35), but her heart is full of faith, hope and love.
Mary is sure of God’s goodness and waits for the fulfilment of his promise: the resurrection of the dead. “Thus, in the world’s darkest hour, she became the Mother of believers, the Mother of the Church and the sign of hope. Her witness and her intercession sustain us when the weight of the cross becomes too heavy for each one of us.” (Pope Francis General Audience, 31 march 2021)
Like Mary, we silently await the light of the Risen One.