9 May 2022Talita Kum is an expression that is found in the Gospel of Mark (5, 41). The words, translated from the Aramaic mean “young girl, I say to you, arise.” These words are addressed by Jesus to the twelve year old daughter of Jairus, who lay apparently lifeless. After uttering these words, Jesus took her by the hand and she immediately got up and walked.
The worldwide network of consecrated life committed against trafficking of people chose the expression Talitha Kum to define their identity. The expression Talitha Kum has the transformative power of compassion and mercy, which awakens the deep desire for dignity and life which may be asleep and injured by the many forms of exploitation. Trafficking in persons is a complex and multidimensional phenomenon, wounding tens of millions of individuals and the entire human society. The expression Talitha Kum is an invitation to all to stand up to counter with our voice, our actions, our daily choices and our lives everything that promotes and supports trafficking in persons. We denounce the arrogance and violence of economic and financial power when it acts against the dignity of the person.
Those who adhere to the values of Talitha Kum are committed to be neighbor to those who suffer the serious consequences of trafficking in persons, men, women, children, and families. The activities and projects of Talitha Kum are aimed at all those who are robbed of their dignity and deprived of liberty, regardless of their lifestyle, race, religion, economic or sexual orientation. The members of Talitha Kum living and bearing witness to Christian values, dialogue with and show respect for members of the different religious traditions and for non-believers.
In Sri Lanka the Talitha Kum network started in 2015. It’s a network with several congregations and few other organizations. At present there are 12 congregations functioning very dynamically as a Team. In 2021 amidst of Covid situation the team was very active online by conducting different programmes and relief aid works. The group works happily expanding the service and creating more awareness among many women youth and religious. It aims to promote gender equality and empowerment of women to Protect and Promote human dignity of the vulnerable people. To Identify congregations, organizations and institutions to enlist members to the Network to support mutually in pastoral activities, to Support grass-root activities of religious and lay partners in addressing issues related to pastoral activities.
As a member of the Talitha Kum-Sri Lanka from 2020, I regularly participate in various meetings and programs locally, continentally and at present in the International Online Training program offered by the UISG.
As our congregational charism calls to mission/evangelize where it is urgent, timely and effective I believe in Sri Lanka ministering through Talitha Kum is a response to our charismatic call. I, aside from being part of the core team want to make its goals a reality by conveying benefits into the lives of the people where I am currently serving. Thus, in the parish where we are ministering I am able to organize awareness programs and workshops for young women, mothers and as well, give charitable assistance and empowerment for women abandoned, abused and persons less privileged in different ways. Through these, I as a consecrated woman contented to be committed at the service and safeguarding the dignity of human being.
Geraldine S. Eusabius, RMI
Kotapitiya-Sri Lanka