The Loom of the Claretian Family – 05.12.21
6 December 2021
December 5, 2021
We have begun the second day of our encounter wishing to place life in the heart of God. We continue to be guided by the story “The Chance of Love”, written for the Claretian Family by Ángel Gómez. The Cordimarian Missionary Sisters have invited us to unite in the Dance of the threads, with the certainty that ONLY LOVE SAVES, HEALS, GIVES FREEDOM… ONLY LOVE BUILDS LOVE. The Family comes closer, unites around the Word that continues to be alive and effective.

The morning was dedicated to share the projects of the Claretian Family in a choral way, thanking for the road travelled, with the certainty that together we are advancing and enriching ourselves. In the dialogue we shared dreams, new horizons and steps to take to advance in each one of them: Claret Way and other projects of Pastoral with young people, the Congresses of Claretian Educators, SOS-emergencies, Action Plan of Laudato Si and the webpage of the Claretian Family.
Adrián de Prado CMF with exquisite delicacy and through art and in the light of some of Fr. Claret’s letters. He helped us to identify the Claretian verbs PRAY -WORK- SUFFER which sealed his spirituality, blessed be God!
There could be no better way to close this day than watching together, as a family, the recently released film “Claret”, Blessed be God!