Together committed to the Global Compact for Education

12 November 2023

On 12 September 2019, Pope Francis in his message launching the Global Education Pact invited us to: “Promote together and activate, through a common educational pact, those dynamics that give meaning to history and transform it in a positive way”.

On this occasion, yesterday, 10th November, in the Jubilee Hall of the LUMSA University in Rome, an institutional event was organised by the Education Commission of the Unions of Superiors General to share the process of building the Global Education Pact in which the Catholic School is strongly committed.

We began the event with a moment of prayer led by Pedro Aguado, president of the Education Commission of the USG and the UISG, who reminded us of the words of Jesus: “Unless you become as little children you will not enter the kingdom of heaven”.

Next, Antonella Sciarrone, told how the Dicastery for Culture and Education is promoting the Global Education Pact; Hervé Lecomte, Secretary General of the OIEC, presented the development of the education pact. Results and interpretations of the global survey organised by the OIEC; Fr. Juan Antonio Ojeda and Professor Maria Cinque, presented the publication: “Learning from others: Building the Education Pact from the Territory. The experience of the Norte de Santander Region (Colombia).

The Global Education Pact is a great tool and we have to make it come down to earth in our reality. The strength of Catholic schools throughout the world must give credibility to this Pact. There are three key words that we cannot lose sight of: SEE – FEEL – CHANGE. As a Catholic School we have to take the first step to be able to change the world, and to educate more and better we need to covenant with others. The Global Education Pact will not be a reality if we do not start from each concrete territory.

Finally, this meeting left us with three convictions:

1.- To promote education from the proposal of the Global Education Pact is not a project, it is a new way of understanding education.

2.- Building the pact cannot be done without the complicity of everyone.

3.- Our Catholic School must assume its role in this Pact, committing ourselves.

During these days, the text “María Antonia París, friend and companion in the journey” is being distributed.