VII General Meeting of the Prefectes of the Apostolate of the Major Entities
9 February 2021The VII General Meeting of the Prefectes of the Apostolate of the Major Entities, coordinated by Priscilla L., was held on-line from 5 to 7 February, with the theme “To announce the Gospel to every creature”. The aim of the meeting was: To continue to spread the passion for the proclamation of the Gospel in all its forms, with special involvement in the reality of the people, in shared mission and with attitudes of ecological care and global fraternity.
Within the programme of the three days, in addition to sharing what has generated life during this time, evaluating the journey made with others and as an apostolic body, we highlight two spaces of enlightenment, one led by Fr Javier Melloni sj on the theme: “How to live the evangelizing mission
In the context of the pandemic”, and the other by Fernando Bertonati on the theme: “Walking with young people in this time of pandemic”. It was a joy to share these two enlightening moments with the pastoral teams of the Entities and others: sisters and lay people interested in the theme.

A very deep and enriching meeting was held on the 6th between prefects and members of the various pastoral teams of all the Entities, “dreaming” what can happen new, better and different, for the next 3 years. From the dreams and in a group dynamic, we tried to envision Pastoral Alliances that will help us to continue to live the commitments of the XVII GC in response to the calls of the world and of the Church. Thank you for walking together.

We are especially grateful to our Superior General Jolanta Maria K. for her motivational words and for the two instructions she left us:
“Go and tell everyone”: put the best energies at the service of the proclamation. An announcement in the style of Jesus… not as promises of well-being but as the promise of the Kingdom.
“Do not rebel in the face of fragility”: welcome the fragility of our life, of our community, of the province, of the Congregation. The more women of interiority we are, the better we will be able to give ourselves to the Mission.
The ideas and experiences shared are a treasure from which we can draw further help for the apostolic path.