Vocational May 2021 – first week
3 May 2021The month of May is a special time and space to celebrate the Claretian vocation.
We wish that this month, besides being a month of celebration, may be an opportunity to deepen our YVM. We want to take the pulse of how we live and proclaim the Gospel with the Youth; how we take care of the spaces of encounter, of attentive listening and accompaniment, aware that “young people themselves are agents of youth ministry, helped and guided, but free to develop new approaches, with creativity and a certain audacity” (Pope Francis: Christus Vivit. Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation. n.203)
To this end, in this first week (from the 1st to 8th) we propose to respond to a survey (Form) addressed to each Claretian Missionary sister, with the objective of dedicating some time to personal reflection, to continue to know more closely the congregational reality and to dynamize this rethinking in the area of youth vocational ministry together with others.