God has manifested Himself to all…
6 January 2024Today we commemorate the Epiphany of the Lord, in which Jesus is revealed as the Messiah and Saviour of the world. It is a revelation especially to the Gentiles, symbolising the inclusion of all nations, languages, and peoples in God’s plan of salvation.
The Magi were obedient and humble. They stopped just where the star had led them. Upon entering the house, they immediately prostrated themselves – placing themselves on the ground in reverence and submission – before a baby. Their faith told them that He was not just a baby, but a King. They did not question His littleness, the humble home where they found Him, nor His human appearance – they simply fell down in worship.
Let us imitate the wisdom and obedience of the Magi in our daily lives. May this wisdom move us to care for our lives and the lives of all those around us, as well as the environment in which we move. This will be the best attitude of worship, humility and faith with which we can approach our Lord to adore Him.
We would like to wish everyone a happy feast of Epiphany, open to welcome the Good News of God that is communicated and manifested to all.