Integrated and happy consecrated women
10 September 2021From July to October, Amilbia, General Prefect of Formation, is offering a human formation workshop for the junior sisters (from the East Asia Province and the mission province of Africa, English-speaking – Nigeria) on a weekly basis.
The workshop aims to implement in the participants, tools from psychology and spirituality that favour integral growth as consecrated women who carry out the mission of accompanying and joyfully announcing the Gospel and to become aware that ongoing formation is everyone’s task. To raise awareness of a way of life that we have to care for and promote from the beginning of consecrated life that puts us in an attitude of learning and living from our own reality in order to reach out to others and to other realities and together take on the task of building something new.
Among the various themes to be developed:
- History with meaning, elements that constitute me and give me identity.
- Keys to reading our personality, understanding the causes of living well or living with suffering, recognising the mechanisms that hinder growth.
- Path towards integration as women through acceptance, attention, meditation.
- Periodic evaluation of the process.
We ask you to accompany us with prayer to make us mouldable clay in the hands of the Lord.