The Loom of the Claretian Family – 06.12.21
December 6, 2021. The encounter of the Claretian family continues and today we have visited the Claretian place...
The Loom of the Claretian Family – 05.12.21
December 5, 2021 We have begun the second day of our encounter wishing to place life in the heart of God. W...
The Loom of the Claretian Family – 04.12.21
December 4th, 2021. Today we have begun the X World Encounter of the Claretian Family (CF) with the morning...
Awaken Hope!
On this second Sunday of Advent we see how God announces the closeness of the Kingdom through John and assures wit...
Tenth World Encounter of the Claretian Family in Rome
A new encounter of leaders and representatives of the Claretian Family will take place in the Retreat House of the...
We are on the way
On Saturday, November 27, the first meeting of the commission of sisters from different entities of the congregati...
Evangelize with and like Mary
At the beginning of this season of Advent, a time of waiting, we prepare ourselves to celebrate the feast of Mary ...
Inaugurate the “new time”
Together with the evangelist Luke we begin this time of Advent, of grace and hope. The language of this text (Lk 2...
Salvation is at hand…
We approach once again the time of Advent, with the deep desire to renew the wait with hope in the Lord Jesus who ...
Testimony of the participation in the IV Congress of Educators of the CF
My name is Ika, I am from Indonesia and for almost 3 years I have been working as an educator in Mangunan Experime...
Fifth World Day of the Poor
Today, Sunday 14 November, the Fifth World Day of the Poor is celebrated under the theme “The poor you will alwa...
“500 GIFTS for 500 YEARS”
What a beautiful way to celebrate the gift of 500 years of Christianity in the Philippines with the celebration of...