The mystery of Mary Immaculate opens us to joy and hope (cf. Const. 9)

7 December 2020

These words not only reveal the mystery of Mary, Woman Clothed with the Sun, mother and patroness of the Congregation, but also, it seems, it hides a “task”: Mary Immaculate opens us.

This mystery opens us It opens despite the distrust and fear. It makes us permeable, confident, and willing to do everything that God is capable of doing in the Creature, unimaginable, incredible, unheard things… “If men trusted me, then they would know what I do for them” (Aut. MP 43).

It opens us to joy, because it helps us discover where faith becomes fruitful, the abundance of the Grace that we never lack. True joy is the fruit of a God who inhabits us and always acts; it is not the result of selfish well-being or fleeting satisfactions. Joy is a gift, a gift that becomes a song and a blessing, it is contagious…even amid difficulties and suffering. “Our Lord God who always gives me joy in proportion to the work that I suffer through his love” (Diary 40).

The mystery of Mary Immaculate opens us to hope. A virtue that is hidden but which in this time resonates so many times in conversations, prayers and wishes… Mary accompanies us on this path of hope because she knows the promises and the expectations. “Mary Immaculate, You are, after Jesus, the blessed fruit of your womb, all our hope” (AM Claret, Pastoral Letter on the Immaculate Conception) .

That in spite of the difficulties experienced by so many people today we could celebrate Our Mother’s Feast with hope and joy.

We wish each other a happy Feast of the Immaculate Conception, extended to all communities, apostolic centres, collaborators, friends, students, families …

Open us, Mary, more and more, to joy and hope!

Happy Mary Immaculate Day!

During these days, the text “María Antonia París, friend and companion in the journey” is being distributed.