Taking care of the preparation of the forthcoming Provincial Chapters

"Fostering the encounter and taking care of the synodal preparation of the next chapters". Since 9th March, the Su...

Hands and heart to the work… horizon: Constitutions

On the 2nd April on the zoom platform, the General Government and the General Treasurer, together with the sisters...

The Easter Triduum in substations of Ankarana (Madagascar)

We the Claretian Missionaries in Madagascar had our Holy week celebration in three places and we went two by two (...

We continue walking together…

... We continued our intense time of meetings: matters of the Congregation, economy, searching to respond to the f...

Easter! Surprise time

Dear Sisters, friends and lay people with whom we share the Charism, Claretian Family, collaborators, benefactors;...

Mary’s solitude, experience of faith

Today, Saturday, is a day of silence and of feeling the loneliness that the Virgin Mary experienced, that Jesus is...

Good Friday: a silence full of love

Good Friday is one of the most important days of the year for Christians, commemorating the death of Jesus on the ...

Maundy Thursday: “Do you understand what I have done for you?” To love, serve and care

Today, Maundy Thursday, John's Gospel asks us a question: " Do you understand what I have done for you?" In sil...

Sharing on the formation and connecting to the laity

The General Team continues to discern how to think about a formation that responds to the calls of the world, of t...

Hosanna to our King

The hymn from the letter to the Philippians is a good introduction to Holy Week; it already gives us the key to un...

Conversing in the Spirit Cmf – Rmi

On March 20, the General Councils of the Claretian Missionaries and of the Claretian Missionary Sisters had their ...

The Struggle for Water, the Thirst for Justice

World Water Day is celebrated every year on 22 March to raise awareness and encourage action to tackle the water a...

During these days, the text “María Antonia París, friend and companion in the journey” is being distributed.