New Government Team – East Asia

Today, after some days of discernment, in an atmosphere of fraternity and prayer, the new government was elected t...

Progress of the II Provincial Chapter of East Asia

During the weekend the sisters started the study of the pre-chapter document, group work and plenary. The p...

“Journey Towards Human and Spiritual Conversion for the Mission”

This is the slogan of the II Chapter of the East Asia Province. The third day of the Chapter focused on the presen...

II Provincial Chapter of East Asia

On 26 July the II Chapter of the East Asia Province began. On the first day, prior to the opening, we had some ...

25 years in India

The Silver Jubilee of the Claretian Missionary Sisters’ presence and evangelizing service in India is a memorabl...

Canonical and specific visit of apostolic mission in Latin America

Since June 29th Jolanta and Priscilla have been visiting the communities, the apostolic centres and the different ...

Office 365 training

From the team of solidarity for the mission we share with you that this Saturday, July 2, we had our second worksh...

Memory of the 100th anniversary of the approval of the Constitutions.

They are "evangelical norms and criteria" approved by the Church, as a way of living the following of Jesus in...

Announcement XVIII General Chapter

July 3rd, the Claretian Missionary Sisters accompanied by lay people and members of the Claretian Family have star...

Life stands out beyond …

June 28, 1813... This date brings to mind an endearing name: María Antonia París, who, 209 years ago, made he...

Hic Sum Project

I have been in Tuscany, in Sarteano (Italy), for more than a month since I arrived from Lima (Peru). Every day ...

Announcement of the XVIII General Chapter


During these days, the text “María Antonia París, friend and companion in the journey” is being distributed.