International Water Day, “Water as a Common Good”

“Water Day” was first celebrated in 1993. A year earlier, the United Nations General Assembly declared March 2...

Communication of the new government team of the South Asia Delegation

The General Government has appointed the sisters of the new council of the Independent Delegation for the trienniu...

Perpetual profession

"We carry this treasure in jars of clay so that it may be clearly seen that this surpassing power belongs to God a...

Solemnity of St. Joseph 2021

Today we celebrate the Solemnity of Saint Joseph, a man who acts, chooses, risks, doubts, suffers, but in silence....

Third meeting “Towards the Common Home”

On March 13, on the zoom platform, took place the third and last meeting on the itinerary of awareness-raising, ed...

Building Small Christian Communities through the sharing the Word of God

The Catholic Bishops Conference of Sri Lanka (CBCSL) has declared 2021 as the Year of Small Christian Communities....

Teresita Albarracín, living and announcing the Gospel

Today, 12 March, in this favourable time of Lent that Mother Church offers us to experience the mercy of the Fathe...

Twenty years of the Beatification …

Twenty years ago, our sister María Patrocinio Giner and the former student María del Olvido Noguera were beatifi...

“Proclaiming the Gospel to every creature” in the Delegation of Japan and Korea

With the desire to deepen the meaning and challenges of the motive of the year, the sisters of the Delegation...

International Women’s Day

The International Day of Women is celebrated on the 08th of March. This day has its roots in the labour movement o...

Claretian Year – Cuba

March 3, 2021, was a day of joy and gratitude for the Archdiocese of Santiago de Cuba. In the Basilica of N. S. de...

Thank you

Yesterday, February 28, when the Lenten liturgy invited us to contemplate the light of the Transfigured Jesus, whi...

During these days, the text “María Antonia París, friend and companion in the journey” is being distributed.