JULY 23. Day of Reflection.

This day we made a stop to listen to God and warm up our hearts...because, as Fr. Gonzalo Fernandez, cmf explained...

July 22. St. Mary Magdalene

¡Mary of Magdala, the woman who experienced the power of evil in herself (as the gospels say); but also the power...

July 21

Prayer in the General Chapter. Our daily schedule allows for a priviledged time for prayer to help develop th...

Chapter Program

The election of Superior General and council will take place on August 2-3, 2017. Here is the whole program so you...

July 20. Presentation of the Governance Report

The Sisters of General Government presented the governance report for the six years of their service. Statistics s...

July 19. Official Chapter Inauguration

Our morning began with prayer, after the orientation given by Fr. Llorenç, SJ. Following the Ignatian Exercises, ...

XVII General Chapter – I

July 18th  - Welcome. During the morning, first time chapter members continued their workshop. After ...

Recalling our History

What happened 150 year ago in our Claretian Family? Four sisters from Tremp has arrived to Reus… on this road...

Missionary exposure in Humahuaca

Today in Madrid: sending of the missionary group leaving to Humahuaca (Argentina) where they will collaborate ...

Sharing in the joy of Claretian Family

"We have started the countdown for the beatification of the 109 Claretian martyrs that will take place on Saturday...

Day of our Constitutions

The Constitutions were approved in 1922, by Pious XI, after the first General Chapter of the united Congregation,&...

Preparation XVII General Chapter IV

The calendar without clemence shows that within 15 days we will begin our XVII General Chapter with the ...

During these days, the text “María Antonia París, friend and companion in the journey” is being distributed.