“170th anniversary”
It was the afternoon of May 27, 2022, when, with a Eucharist in the Church of El Carmen, we began the Year o...
Claretian Vocation Day
The Claretian vocation is the call and the mission that God gives to each one of us, in the Church and in the worl...
170 years ago
"We landed in Santiago de Cuba on May 26 of the same year of 1852. We were greeted with much applause from all ove...
Mission in Madagascar
We arrived to Antananarivo, Madagascar, on 21st May. Mgr. Gaetano di Pierro, the Bishop of Farafangana (our Mi...
International Day of Biodiversity, “Building a shared future for all life”
In the context of Laudato Si’ Week 2022, which is celebrated on May 22-29 and marks the seventh anniversary of P...
New mission in Madagascar
“My spirit is for the whole world”, was the “Dream” of Saint Anthony Mary Claret in 1949 which has once ag...
PMF BASIC El 2022: Project Management and Fundraising Training
It is a pleasure to share my experience on “PRISMA” training formation on Project Management. PRISMA is the pr...
It innovates, values and gives continuity to the life of others, given in daily work, seeking the well-being of the Common Home
The experience of participating in the Sixty-sixth session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW66) was gu...
Talita Kum is an expression that is found in the Gospel of Mark (5, 41). The words, translated from the Aramaic me...
UISG Plenary: vulnerability
UISG Plenary begins bringing more than 700 Superiors General together Welcome! Benvenute! Bienvenidas! Thes...
Vocational May
We enter the month of May with the desire to continue walking Congregationally and with others "Deep into the sea...
“Hic Sum”
We would like to share with you that on April 27th, Mirian Aguilar, a volunteer in the mission "Casa Hogar San...