Towards the Common Home – second meeting

On Saturday, November 28th, was held the second meeting of the workshop: "Towards the Common Home - World Brotherh...

Preparation for the Feast of the Immaculate Mary

How significant it is for us to celebrate the novena of Mary Immaculate in Advent; a time to prepare with a lively...

The Economy of Francesco: young artisans of an economy with a soul

"The Economy of Francesco", the name of the global online event held from 19 to 21 November, is part of an invitat...

Meeting with the Governments of the Major Organisms

On the 22nd, 23rd and 24th the General Government met with the Governments of the major Organisms to discuss the r...

Meeting of Charismatic Families “never far away and today together”

On November 21st, several sisters from Rome, East Asia, South Asia, the lay people Enrique Aguilera belonging to t...

Reconstructing the Global Compact on Education

More than six hundred men and women from more than sixty countries with all the diversity of cultures and contexts...

World Children’s Day

World Children’s Day is celebrated on November 20. On this date in 1959 the United Nations General Assembly appr...

Strengthening ties of sisterhood

On November 15th we "strengthened virtual ties" with the community of Barcelona, a house of meetings and retreats,...

Day of prayer for the poor in the Claretian Family

From the YVM in the Claretian family of the Southern region of America: Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay and Chile, th...

Fourth World Day of the Poor

On Sunday, November 15th, with the title “Stretch out your hand to the poor”, will be celebrated the Fourth Wo...

Maria Patrocinio Giner, Claretian Martyr

Martyrdom is a constant in the life of the Christian and the strength of the Church. The Christian faith is not re...

Strengthen ties

During the missionary month, we had the opportunity to “Strengthen Ties” and to get to know other communities ...

During these days, the text “María Antonia París, friend and companion in the journey” is being distributed.