Claretian Vocation Day 2017

What VOCATION is about? It is a call that God constantly addresses with to live with Him and follow the foots...

Juniors – Guadalupe Province

Few days, workshop within the program of formation for Juniors. This time with our sister Regina Tutzò in West Pl...

Preparing for the Claretian Vocation Day

On 31st May we will celebrate the Day of Claretian Vocation. As usual, in all of our activities and communities we...

Historical Memories – I

May 24, 1859. MARÍA ANTONIA PARÍS RETURNS TO SPAIN from CUBAMay 24, 1859, Maria Antonia and two sisters María J...

Prayers for Venezuela

Joining the appeal of the National Conference of Bishops of Venezuela, we join the goodwill people in prayer and e...

Mission exposure – Argentina-Humacuaca PREPARATION

It has been the second encounter of the volonteers for the mission service exposure of Korima in Argentina-Humahua...

Caracas – Latinoamerica Province

In Caracas, on May 10th, a PYV meeting was held in shared mission with our Claretian Missionary brothers. Our sist...

Sunday of Prayer for Vocations

Eery Forth Sunday of Easter, Good Shepherd sunday, we join the intense universal prayer for new vocation...

Beatification Claretian Martyrs

We share in the joy of our Claretian Family! The Vatican confirmed on May 4, 2017, the date of the Beatificat...

East Asia – Formation Treasurers

Province of East Asia. María Cristina Ruberte, General Treasurer is giving formation for Treasurers of communitie...

Prepearing XVII General Chapter

In the Light of the Resurrection of Christ the Pre-Chapter Commission meets in Calandrelli (from the 18 to the 2...

Happy Easter 2017

Jesus Christ is our Easter, is the LIVING presence of God accompanying us in the journey of Faith.W...

During these days, the text “María Antonia París, friend and companion in the journey” is being distributed.